The VETROSPACE L+ pod can easily accommodate up to six people for a meeting and is also great as a small private office space or breakout room. Soundproofing, a smart ventilation system, and antimicrobial LED lighting make this space ideal for focusing in the busy workplace. You can design and furnish it according to your needs from a variety of options.

List Price: Call for Pricing

Details & Dimensions

Exterior dimensions | W: 102.4″ D: 102.4″ H: 94.5″

Exterior material: LP-laminate

Interior dimensions | W: 98.4″ D: 98.4″ H: 86.6″

Interior material: Acoustic ECOfelt lining

Weight: 2860 lbs

Installation height requirement: more than 98.5 in”

Indoor surface area: 64.5 ft²

Fire safety:
UL 723: Class A-C (surface)
ASTM E648: Class 1 (flooring)

Electrical safety:
IEC 60335-1:2020
UL 962 (E514776)

Seismic safety:
Special SEISMIC Certification (2019-0176-COC-01-00)
International Building Code (IBC) 2018 (23.02.2021)
California Building Code (CBC) 2019 (23.02.2021)

Door: Patented sliding door
Glass thickness: 0.66″, sound-control safety glass

Sound Reduction | STI: 0,03–Ds: 31,3dB (Can. 43-46dB Rw, Lab.) (ISO 23351-1)

Ventilation technology:
Advanced two-stage air filtering-coarse and HEPA
Air flow: max 120 l/s
Pressure: Positive air-pressure

VLD antimicrobial LED lighting
Surface treatment
Photocatalytic antimicrobial nanocoating

100W average, 550W maximum
110-240 VAC / 16 A / 50-60 Hz
4 Power sockets as default